It's been a while since I've updated the blog - work has been busy. I've been working the past two summers with some wonderful students from around the country and four other talented UW-Stout faculty (a biologist, anthropologist, social scientist, and economist). We've been working on a multidisciplinary study of phosphorus pollution in the Red Cedar Watershed. The projects from the past two years are available here (, and you can read up on the students' thoughts during their project via the
Image from The Martian movie gallery (copyright 2015 20th Century Fox)
But that's not what I've decided to put up on DftDL. Instead, I'm going to talk about potatoes. Well, potatoes on Mars. Because this week, The Martian is released in theaters and being the calculating opportunist I am, I think this is the best time to start sharing my "big plan" for my soil science class this semester: Growing Potatoes on Mars. (plenty of information and pictures after the jump)